Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I recently began a study of the leadership principles of the great president, Abraham Lincoln. True leadership seems to be absent in American politics and business culture. I am amazed at the systems in place in businesses, schools, and even in families which are considered to be good leadership.
The sixteenth president would have been dismayed, in my opinion after reading his words, at the sad state in America. Lincoln wanted his subordinates to be productive, successful, and enjoy their work with a passion.

James Burns stated, "Leadership is leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations-the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations-of both leaders and followers. The genius of leadership lies in the manner in which leaders see and act on their own and their followers values and motivations."

By modern standards Lincoln's success would be considered nothing short of a miracle. He was a man who really knew how to lead.

At Tate Publishing, our goal is now, and always has been, the benefit and success of the few authors who become part of our publishing family. We want to be sure we too, are the leaders in this challenging industry with principles and ethics that would make President Lincoln proud.

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