Friday, October 17, 2008


I was just informed by a member of our executive staff that a 100 year old New York publishing house has decided to assist their authors with a "self-help" web site "kit." Those authors of that house will have to pay to host their site. Very nice of them to do that. However, Tate Publishing authors for some time have been provided by Tate Publishing with a web site which our staff will create, establish and set-up, manage for them, and MOST OF ALL we PAY FOR THE HOSTING!! Once again, when it comes to being the best and leading the way, I am proud of our staff and their work. Tate Publishing is ahead of the pack and will continue to do so...Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Marlayne Giron said...

I would love to know more about the trailer and website options. My book The Victor is about to go into production and I just have to say how wonderful Janey Hayes, Kandi Evans, and Wayne Lin have all been!

Thank you for making my dream come true!
Marlayne Giron