Thursday, March 19, 2009


I am not a real "blogger" like some of our staff who are prone to share their professional insight into the industry. I do that from time to time but many times I like to share phone calls, emails, letters, and other contacts I receive (and I get hundreds) from folks who talk about their experience with Tate Publishing. We are aware at Tate Publishing that manufacturing and producing a book is critical work but a critical part of our intense efforts is in marketing. I received the following email this week and I was so pleased I wanted to share this information with you. I am like a proud father of the work of our dozens of professionals in every division. The email was forwarded to me by one of our marketing staff.

Richard Tate

Dr. Tate,

I just spoke with the manager of a bookstore, whose name is Ray...he told me the following:

He recommends Tate Publishing to potential authors because he is familiar with our titles and is impressed with the quality of our cover design and editing. He said that he is approached by self-published authors at least twice a day, and “there is no comparison” between our product and the titles that the self-published authors present. In his words “you provide a valuable service.”

He knows we are selective, and that the titles we sell have gone through editing, design and layout. He was also impressed that our authors are assigned a marketing representative. He said he often deals with authors who are completely on their own, and their events are always failures. His store does carry Tate Publishing titles on the shelf.
Ray was impressed by the book signing event support that we offer to our authors, which he says nobody else provides, “unless you’re a bestselling author.”

Just thought I would pass along that some of our biggest fans are bookstores which are familiar with our work.

1 comment:

Ann Winters said...

Thanks, Dr. Tate for sharing that information. I know in my part of the world, Tate has a wonderful reputation. The quality of staff and integrity of the company speaks volumes to booksellers and readers alike.

Author Ann Winters