Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have been watching the economy with great interest as I am sure many of you are as well. I cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, or listen to the evening news without hearing that "Chicken Little" is running rampant across our nation proclaiming that "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" I realize there are difficult issues Americans must face regarding their personal financial situations. My prayers are with them each day in my personal quiet time in the morning. Each Monday morning when our entire company meets for a time of prayer requests for our authors and staff we continue to lift up in prayer the financial needs of our fellow Americans.
The good news is that Tate Publishing and Tate Music Group are, in the midst of all that is happening, growing daily. We continue to add new jobs, and increase our sales and marketing position in both industries, while we maintain our corporate policy of remaining debt free. We have just improved our print and production facility and even though it was already state-of-the-art, the new color processing equipment just purchased and installed at our plant has taken our products to an even higher level of quality. If you are an author or artist with Tate Publishing or Tate Music Group, you are part of a growing, dynamic company that has never been in better financial condition. Thanks to each of you for makiing this possible and to all our outstanding staff who work with diligence and fervor to keep Tate at the top of the list of successful companies.

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