Monday, June 1, 2009


Gentlemen -
My name is Michael P. and I am one of your new authors.  I wanted to take this time as we draw near to the point where my book goes to print to express some thoughts to you.
From the beginning, when Janey Hays contacted me from Acquisitions to say my book had been accepted for publishing through the final stages with Stephanie Woloszyn in Creative Design, the journey has been extraordinary.  If the sampling of people on your staff that I worked with is a representation of your entire staff, you have an awesome and talented group of people working for you!
Amanda Reese in Editing went way beyond any job description to tirelessly work through the process and in that process, helped me to become a better writer.  Kandi Evans produced a cover design for my book that I felt so matched the content and the character of the book that it brought tears to my eyes. 
If I left anybody out, I apologize for everyone who worked with me on my book was professional, articulate, courteous, and always encouraging!
If the Lord permits, it would be a pleasure to meet you in person.
Now to marketing!
In Jesus,
Michael P.

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